Not if.


Fortify Your Reputation Against Crisis.
In today's dynamic business environment, the unexpected is the new normal. While no one can predict every challenge, being prepared can mean the difference between a temporary setback and a catastrophic impact on your organization. 

This is where Moat Strategies steps in.
Our crisis communications experts help leaders like you navigate uncertainty, protect your reputation, and confidently face risks with resilience and innovation.
Our ethos is built around four cardinal steps: Prepare, Protect, Practice, and Prevail.


Identify and Prepare for Potential Threats: We provide a unique lens to identify vulnerabilities within your organization and prepare for them effectively.


Protect Your Brand and Reputation: By assembling specialized crisis response teams and comprehensive strategies, we ensure your organization is robustly defended against any crisis.


Practice and Train for Real-world Scenarios: Through tailored training programs and simulations, we ensure your team is not just theoretically prepared but also practically adept in handling crises.


Prevail and Emerge Stronger: We don't just manage reputational crises; we help you navigate through them to emerge stronger and more resilient.
Each step is a critical pillar in our comprehensive approach to crisis communications, ensuring that your organization is not just ready to face challenges, but also equipped to emerge stronger.

At Moat Strategies, we don't just manage crises; we transform them into opportunities for growth and resilience. 

Our approach is holistic, our expertise unparalleled, and our commitment unwavering. With us by your side, you are not just prepared for a crisis; you are equipped to prevail. 

Welcome to a partnership that fortifies, empowers, and transcends.

About Us

Your Resilience Is Our Utmost Priority.

In an era where crises have become more frequent and unpredictable, standing strong against adversity is not just an option—it’s a necessity. At Moat Strategies, we don't just prepare you for the possibility of crisis; we ensure your business thrives amidst it.

Molly Kellogg-Schmauch

Chief Strategist
Choosing Moat Strategies means partnering with an expert communications team that is as invested in your success as you are. It means embracing resilience as a core business strategy and viewing every challenge as an opportunity for growth.
Our Mission: 
Strength Through Strategy
Our mission is to transform your vulnerabilities into strengths. By fortifying your organization against crises, we safeguard not just your operations, but your reputation, ensuring that your legacy of growth and innovation thrives unimpeded by unforeseen challenges.
Our Team:
A Collective of Expert Strategists
At the heart of Moat Strategies lies our unparalleled team of expert strategists, each hailing from diverse sectors of business—from finance and legal to technology and marketing. This multidisciplinary expertise allows us to provide comprehensive, sector-specific strategies that not only protect but also propel your business forward.

Our Approach: 
Proactive, Not Reactive
Our philosophy is simple: proactive preparation beats reactive repair. We deploy a tailored Four-Step Resilience Framework—Prepare, Protect, Practice, and Prevail—to not just navigate but lead through crises. This approach ensures that when faced with adversity, your business isn’t just surviving; it’s thriving.

Let's Build Your Moat


Establish Trust

It all begins with a conversation about your brand and your level of readiness to fortify it.


Lay the Foundation

This phase involves a meticulous assessment of your internal and external environments, enabling us to craft a bespoke crisis readiness blueprint tailored to your unique needs.


Fortify Defenses

This phase is about building robust defenses, equipping your organization with strategic plans that are both comprehensive and adaptable.


Sharpen Skills

This step is about transforming strategies into actionable skills, ensuring that your response to any crisis is swift, efficient, and effective.


Overcome & Evolve

This phase is not just about prevailing over a current crisis but also resetting and strengthening your organization for future challenges.
Join us, and let’s build a future where your business doesn’t just withstand the storm—it becomes the beacon for others navigating their way through crisis.
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